Everyone loves lasagna~or is it just me? It’s a great way to feed a crowd and a perfect dish to bring to a potluck. It freezes well. It reheats well. Leftovers will keep you happy for days. This tasty recipe will easily serve 8.

Recipes that make you smile!
Recipes that make you smile!
Recipes that are only available on Bake, Eat, Smile & Repeat! Enjoy!
Everyone loves lasagna~or is it just me? It’s a great way to feed a crowd and a perfect dish to bring to a potluck. It freezes well. It reheats well. Leftovers will keep you happy for days. This tasty recipe will easily serve 8.
Eating homemade peach crumble pie/bars is most certainly an experience to savor before the end of this summer, this time of the year peaches are at their freshest!The filling is sturdy with plenty of juicy peach chunks throughout. The crumble keeps its shape, while some of its butter melts down creating an even richer peach pie filling. If you enjoyed my apple pie you’re in for a real treat today!
A refreshing summer treat that beats ice cream anytime of the year! Super thick and creamy and soooo fluffy!
Caramel Pop corn is something that you expect in a theater and most of have never thought of baking these at home! I have a simple recipe that is fool proof! The popcorn is ready in 5 minutes (minus cooling time) 🙂
This is the weirdest thing you have heard any blogger say, “I do not like buttercream”! Well It is true, and there are so many people like me, yet this recipe is perfect for any taste! Buttercream lovers and hater 🙂
My Uncle’s great Palestinian foul recipe! A filling breakfast staple! Thank you My dear Uncle for this great recipe!
A delicious dinner! Also a family favorite! and my first savory baked good! Thank you Mother and Grandma for this wonderful family recipe 🙂
Fluffy Trendy and smooth frosting! Can you resist?
أرز بالحليب
My Favorite dessert as a child! I grew up eating this pudding and my mom would make it so often! I hope your family will enjoy this recipe as much as mine does!
This is my favorite banana bread recipe! It’s the recipe that comes to mind first when I have leftover spotty bananas on the counter and the bread that’s on constant rotation in my freezer stash. This is the best ever banana bread recipe and if you haven’t tried it yet, now’s the time.