New, Gooey French Apple Cake

Looking for an easy cake recipe? Something to warm you up in the colder seasons? Something fruity? Something with a unique texture to remind you of Mama’s cake? Well, I’ve got the perfect recipe for you: a French Apple Cake. The cake is light and fluffy, but the apples are gooey and warm. Overall, it just has such a vintage feel, and I really can’t stop making this cake!

Top 3 BEST Places to Eat in Turkey

After a couple years of seemingly endless lockdowns and indefinite quarantine, it’s finally safe to travel. I’ve packed my bags, prepared my camera, and booked a flight. Today, I’m taking you with me to Turkey, an ancient city, previously the capitol of the Ottoman Empire. There are countless historical sites to visit and endless foods to try. I’ve got to say: Turkish food deserves a cult–it’s a wonder in itself!